Children matter too!
Love this weeks post! Maybe I’m bias as I work with both adults and young people. I do also like quotes from Kate Middleton as she’s such...
Children matter too!
Saturday 9th November- A sad day for the counselling industry
Out with the old..
Something new..
Sometimes all you need..
World Mental Health Day 2019
Are you a ‘time waster’?
Winter is coming..
I’m still here..!
And like that.. Summer was gone!
Thursday 18th July- You’re not alone.
Tuesday 9th July- Self-care cont.
Monday 1st July- What is your opinion on counselling?
Tuesday 25th June- What to call this?
Monday 10th June- A little reminder..
Tuesday 28th May- Responsibility.
Monday 6th May- Food for thought..
Monday 29th April- A little help from a client..!
Thursday 25th April- Breaking the stigma.
Wednesday 17th April- A Well Known One